Le bunker du surfer
25 October 2017LUMISHELL
25 October 2017
Kym Field School - 2015
Collectif M.A.M.O.T.H. : C. Benichou, D. Hyvernaud, D. Vauzelle, M. Wright | Rendu 3D : T. Miossec
The « Kym-Field School competition » organised in 2015 by the turkish foundation Kimse Yok Mu had the objective of building bioclimatic schools in Sub Saharan Africa.
The existing facilities described in the competition program were potentially quite isolated in the bush because they were often shared by several small villages.
In that light, our approach was to create a symbolic building which knows how to catch the attention, but at the same time keeps a welcoming touch and offers an inside microcosm protected from the rain and the heat.
This project is an interpretation of "the oldest tree in the village", around which people gather to exchange, convey and learn. A large roof ("the canopy") made of plant fibres is floating on top of a enclosed wall made of earth ("The trunk"). This coverage shelters the whole building which is organised around a central patio with plants used to collect water.
This project apart from being simple, pragmatic and respectful of local construction techniques is also able to evolve. The covered forecourt may ultimately be converted in a classroom.